She gave him her heart, literally.

In honor of our theme of showing your love this week, we are celebrating National Organ Donor Day. On Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at the rightful age of 15, full of life and eager for adventure, Cori McBride jumped on her 4-wheeler fearlessly as she did many times before. Across the state Rich Heath, 50, sat down to dinner with his wife and four daughters, unsure if it would be his last meal with the people who meant the most.

The night ended in the most unimaginable way possible. Cori’s blissful 4-wheeling ride turned ungodly tragic when she crashed, leaving her in a coma. Cori fought for days. On July 15th, 2017 her family received the news that she was brain-dead. Her family processed the news and, as they thought of who she was as a person, decided to donate her organs.

Heath, who was suffering from congestive heart failure, was given her heart on July 17, at UW Hospital in Madison. Heath was one of six people who received seven organs from Cori’s donation. One of Cori’s kidneys went to Illinois, her eyes went to Israel, and her liver, pancreas, bone marrow, and other tissues stayed close in Wisconsin.

Cori’s love for people saved many lives around the world.

February 14 is not just Valentine's Day, it is also National Organ Donor Day. This Valentines day, you too can do more than just simply give a heart shaped box of chocolate. Check yes to be an organ donor, after all, when you are eligible to donate you won’t be needing them anymore. 
Organ donation takes place in many forms. More than 6,000 living donations  take place each year include tissue donation, kidney donation, liver lobe donation, lung/partial lung donation, portion of the pancreas or intestines donation, bone marrow donation, and even simple blood donation.

For more information on organ donation, please visit:
For more information on organ donation, please visit:
For more information on Cori McBride and to follow her donation story, please visit:


  1. This is an amazing story! This defiantly hits close to home right now.

  2. Love this post. I can even handle the punctuation in the headline. It's a pull-at-your-heartsrings connection. What I didn't get is why YOU were posting it. What's your connection? Make your readers understand why you're writing about this.

    - You know better than to put 'th' after a date!
    - 4-wheeler / 4-wheeling
    - ...fearlessly as (she did) many times before...
    - ...and, as they thought...
    - Organ donation takes pla (odd spacing here)


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